Initially the program will be open only to men, since we’ll start with a men-only house. (We pray we’ll eventually be in the place to add a 2nd women’s house).
The men who apply could be from any walk of life, from homeless, to a company executive. What they will have in common will be 3 main things:
They struggle with a life dominating sin of addition to drugs and/or alcohol
They are open to the gospel of Jesus Christ found in the bible
They are willing to submit to the rules and expectations of our program, including living in community, participating in bible studies and biblical counseling, volunteering in a work program, and obeying house rules as set by the leaders of the program.
During their first month in the house, residents will not yet start the work program. They will take the time to get used to living in community. They will also be required to write out by hand the entire book of Proverbs, one chapter a day. They will start the biblical counseling process during this time.
Some other programs purchase or rent land and setup micro-houses, for people working through addiction to live independently. Our program is different in that we believe in the importance of community and accountability for those just coming out of a life dominating addiction to drugs or alcohol. Participants will live together in a single house, will eat meals together, share rooms, and be in constant community. We believe this fellowship and accountability help foster the ideal environment for long-term lasting change., Micro-homes with independent living would not facilitate this.
In addition to bible study, program participants will work through additional books as a group, which may include:
The Enemy Within
By Kris LundgaardThe Holiness of God
By RC SproulThe Walk of Repentance
By Steve GallagherThe Heart of Addiction
By Dr. Mark ShawFundamentals of Faith
By John MacArthur
For those working to overcome addiction it is vitally important to remove themselves from people, places, and things that cause temptation. It is helpful to be geographically separated from dealers or friends who are a poor influence. A remote location will facilitate this.
Practically in California, it will also help with Zoning requirements to be away from a residential area.
For those residents who can afford it based on an income assessment, we will charge a low and affordable monthly rent. This could either be paid by the resident or sponsored by a family member, friend, or church.
We also hope to have a limited number of paid scholarships available each year.