Program Details

Entry Requirements

  • Our program is intended for those with an addiction to drugs or alcohol

  • Openness to the gospel and commitment to biblical counseling and pursuing Jesus

  • Application form and screening interview, including commitment to abide by house rules

  • Medical Detox required prior to entry into program

  • Commitment to volunteer in one or more of the work programs

  • Commitment to meet Financial Obligations (rent or sponsorship)

Biblical Counseling and Discipleship

  • Six to nine month program (depending on progress and milestones)

  • First month is a focused time to acclimate to the community and an addiction-free life

  • Group bible study sessions four times per week

  • Biblical counseling weekly for each participant

  • Mandatory church attendance for all participants

Developing work skills and ethics

  • Job skills training and experience are provided as part of the program

  • Participants must volunteer in one or more of the available work programs

  • Programs may include farming, handy-man services, and/or a culinary track

  • Three to four work days per week after the Participants’ initial month

Intentional Fellowship and Accountability

  • Participants live together in community (men and women separately)

  • Participants cook, serve, and eat meals together

  • Each bedroom is shared by two or more Participants

  • On-site and local staff oversee the house, enforcing house rules and the schedule

  • Close involvement from local church community including providing counselors and Bible study leaders